Florian Rappl
Solution Architect @ smapiot
Dr. Florian Rappl is a solution architect from Germany who is specialized in the creation of scalable distributed web applications. These days he is almost exclusively working on micro frontend solutions. He wrote the book 'The Art of Micro Frontends' and regularly gives workshops for companies. Florian is a long time Microsoft MVP in the development tools area.
Social Media
Keynote - The Past, Present, and Future of Micro Frontends
In the past five years micro frontends have gone from a novel approach with many unknowns to an established pattern that drives some of the largest web apps out there. While we've seen many enhancements in these years the best is yet to come.
Now we have great tools, best practices, many experience reports, and useful books covering almost every aspect of micro frontends. In the conference-kickoff Florian will reflect upon the journey we've taken so far and why there is such a fragmentation in the micro frontend space.