Frequently Asked Questions

Questions often appearing in the context of the conference.

Who is organizing the conference?

The conference is organized mainly by smapiot - a company from Germany providing solution architecture and consulting services.

What is the purpose of the conference?

Our company has a strong focus on micro frontends and want to help the community to come together for discussing problems, potential solutions, and raise awareness in general for the different approaches regarding micro frontends.

I did not receive a link after my registration. Am I missing something?

We send the link to the live stream once we approach the conference. Don't worry - this will be communicated up front and in several emails.

Will the talks be recorded?

All talks will be recorded and made available after the conference. We will release the talks piece by piece about 1-2 months after the conference.

Can I ask questions during the talks?

Definitely. We will make sure that the Discord and YouTube chat are actively monitored, handing over the questions to the speaker. While some questions can be answered in the public Q&A after the talk, some questions might need to be answered later in the chat.

What else is planned besides the talks?

There will be some more interesting activities happening. We'll start soon to reveal some of these activities including raffles, swag (such as T-shirts), and more. Stay tuned!

How can I support the event?

Spread the word! If you or your company also wants to become a sponsor just write us directly. We have more information for potential sponsors on demand. All sponsor-related contributions are directly flowing into the conference. This is a non-profit conference.

Another very much welcome option is to buy some merchendise from our webshop. We have some slick T-shirts and hoodies.

I also would like to give a talk - is that possible?

Yes, please consider joining our call for papers. It is open in February and March. All talks will be decided by April.

The URL for the call for papers is

What about some workshops?

We offer some paid workshops in the context of the conference. The workshops are being held in the month following the conference.

You can get more information / buy a ticket for the workshops on the workshops page "/2024/workshops".