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Michael Geers

Michael Geers

Frontend Engineer @ neuland


Michael Geers is a software developer specializing in building user interfaces and is the author of the book 'Micro Frontends in Action'. He has written software for the web since he was a teenager. In the last few years, he has worked on various projects with verticalized architectures. Michael loves the frontend and is passionate about design systems and web-performance. He shares his experiences on this topic at conferences and magazine articles, and runs the site

Social Media


The Tractor Store 2.0: The TodoMVC for Micro Frontends

This talk introduces the next iteration of the Tractor Store, which aims to be a non-trivial, more real-world e-commerce application.

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Lunch Panel

The micro frontends panel takes place during lunch break to foster some general discussions and brainstorming around the usage of micro frontends.

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Coffee Chat

During the coffee break we'll have some interviews and chats with people working on micro frontend solutions.

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